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"Among the losers at the track are racing enthusiasts who possess a
wealth of knowledge about handicapping and the horses themselves. They
have the records, the contracts, and the experience, but they lack an essential quality: discipline. Track novelist William Murray calls it “an iron ass” – the ability to sit there and not bet.
You may select a high percentage of winners and have some strong
insight, but if you don’t have the discipline to wager on only the two
or three races a day that you feel offer the greatest profit potential,
then you’ll never reap consistent profits"
Ve stejnem duchu se vyjadril kdysi velmi uspesny spekulant Jesse Livermore “The big money is made by sitting, not thinking”
Behem obchodni seance je kolikrat nejtezsiet, nic nedelat, sledovat trh a vyckat si na svou prilezitost.
Wow – veľmi pekne ďakujem za pozitívnu reakciu na môj blog ...
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